Apology Paragraphs for Best friend

Touching Apology Paragraphs for Best Friend (2024)

It’s in human nature to err, but sometimes, it doesn’t go well with the victim. Your best friend expects you to be faithful, committed and loyal to him or her, and not the other way round. But then, we are all humans, and it’s only normal for us to apologize after erring.

These touching apology paragraphs for best friend are here for this cause. You can pick any one of them and send to your best friend, telling him or her how sober you are.

Emotional Sorry Paragraphs for Best Friend

These emotional sorry paragraphs will melt your best friend’s heart and will make him or her forgive you in no time, no matter how gross your wrongs are.

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1. I want you to know that I appreciate our friendship more than anything else in this world, and I would do anything to treasure it forever. I am sorry for hurting you.

2. I know I have really betrayed you as a friend and for that I am sorry. I promise to make it up to you when the chance comes. I’m truly sorry, my friend. It won’t happen again.

3. I did really bad, and I am so sorry for my actions. I value our friendship so much than to break the trust you have in me. I promise to make everything up to you, as long as you let me.

4. It’s true I said a mean and awful thing that day, but I never meant to hurt you at all; that was not my intention. I regret every single word I said, and I take them back. Please, forgive me. I love you.

5. Our friendship is the best thing that has happened to me, and I do not want it to end this way. I know I said way too much what I shouldn’t have, but my emotions took the best part of me. Please don’t leave me.

6. I sincerely apologize for all that I did to hurt you. I know I should have trusted you more, instead of acting in that manner. I am truly sorry, please find a place in your heart to forgive me.

7. Trust me, my actions were not intentional, and I feel very terrible right now. I just hope that you find a place in your heart to forgive me, my friend. You know I love you.

8. I know you will gladly want to refer to me as a horrible person, but I don’t want you to see it that way. I have erred, and I’m begging you to please forgive me. I am very sorry.

9. I know I do not deserve someone as amazing as you as a friend, but I’m not all that bad as well. We have been friends for too long, than to just ending what we have, because of a little mistake. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

10. Truth be told, I value our friendship too much, than to just let it end like this. We have built a lot together, over the years. We shouldn’t waste everything, not this way. I am truly sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.

Best Friend Apology Paragraphs

These apology paragraphs will melt your best friend’s heart to the point where he or she will have no choice than to forgive you.

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11. I want you to know, that whatever I did, was not in my intentions to do, and I want you to treat it as such. I have been friends with you for so long, and it wouldn’t be nice to end it this way. Think about it.

12. I have never dreamed of losing you, so it will never happen. I want you to know that I am deeply sorry, and I regret every single thing I’ve done that has made you unhappy since we started our friendship. Please, forgive me.

13. You’re a very big and important part of my life. I know I have caused you so much pain, but I beg you to forgive me, in God’s name. Such things will never repeat itself again. Please!

14. It has not and will never be in my intentions to hurt you. I’m so sorry everything turned out this way. Please, think about the long years of friendship together, and forgive me.

15. I know I talked out of control, which I shouldn’t have, but please forgive me. I was only angry then, but now, I am in the right frame of mind. I truly am sorry.

16. To confirm to you that I am sorry, I take back my words, every damn thing. Believe me, I didn’t mean to hurt or get you angry. I was just airing my opinion. I am sorry.

17. Even if you have decided to be mad at me for whatever reason, I won’t stop apologizing to you. I never knew you wouldn’t like it. I’m so sorry, my best friend.

18. Nothing is worth tearing us apart, but now, you want to ruin everything with your emotions. Before you do, I’d like to apologize for wronging you. I’m sorry. Now, you can do whatever you wish.

19. It still feels like we haven’t spoken for years. My life has never been the same without you. I would appreciate it if we could come back as friends, and this time, we drop out bad habits.

20. I mean, who would have ever thought that we wouldn’t be together forever? I know you’re still hurt, but I was only being human. From the bottom of my heart, I am really sorry. Please, let it go.

Sorry Paragraphs for Girl Best Friend

These I am sorry paragraphs for your best friend will make him or her remember the good old times and forgive you immediately.

21. I am so sorry for everything I’ve done. Please forgive me. I know that you have always been the bigger one between the two of us. So I hope that you allow forgiveness, once and for all.

22. I truly hope that you will one day be able to think deeply about how we started, and how we fell out. The day, I hope you will forgive me for the horrible things I’ve done to you. I am sorry.

23. Going through the most challenging times in my life, and I can’t find my best friend beside me. This breaks me the more. I never knew you could be this hard to forgive someone you once had as a friend, but then, I am still very sorry.

24. I feel a lot of shame, right now. O am only acting as if all is well. My life hasn’t been the same, ever since I hurt you. I am truly sorry for all I have done, and I hope you can forgive me.

25. I know I was wrong, and here I am sincerely apologizing. I was once an important part of your life, but I destroyed everything. Please, find a place in your heart to forgive me. I am sorry.

26. It’s so painful to see how we suddenly turned strangers, from being best of friends. I have to admit that I am at fault, and I’m truly sorry for this situation I have put us in. Please, forgive me.

27. I would never do this if I hadn’t thought about how we started, and the fact that I am the one at fault. Here’s begging you to please, forgive me for all that happened.

28. I know I have acted in the stupidest manner, which isn’t the right thing to do, as your best friend, but here I am, apologizing for all my wrongdoings. I hope that you forgive me, so we can continue our beautiful friendship.

29. I promise not to ever allow little things to trigger my anger, anymore. I was only angry, I never meant to hurt your feelings. Please, learn to forgive and forget. I am sorry.

30. You have been a very good friend of mine, in fact, the best. That is why I am begging you to please forgive me for what I have done. I don’t ever want to be best friends with someone else.

Sorry Paragraphs for Boy Best Friend

Do you have a male best friend and you have done something very bad to wrong him? Retrace your steps with just one of these paragraphs, by telling him how sorry you are.

Read also: Steps to becoming a better friend to your best friend

31. I am truly sorry, I wasn’t just in my best behaviour, last night. I wish I were more careful with my words. I love you, my friend. Please accept my apology for the last time.

32. I know I have wronged you badly, but please I want you to forgive me. I would never have meant to say such things, it was due to the alcohol I took. Please, forgive me.

33. I just want you to know that everything that happened last night, happened accidentally. I regret that it ended up like this. I am sorry, my friend. Please forgive me.

34. That was such a mean thing, and I regret doing that to you. It’s been really tough to move on without you forgiving me. Your forgiveness will make a lot of sense, this time. Please accept my apology. I love you so much.

35. How I wish I could turn back the hands of time, and unsay everything I said, back then. I never meant to be mean. Please, forgive me, dear best friend.

36. You are the only one that matters to me, and I hope you find a place in your beautiful heart to forgive me. Please, let’s move on from the past. I love you so much.

37. I did something stupid, but that’s not what losing a friend over; not even a friend like you. I’m so sorry for all I did to wrong you. Please forgive me, darling. I love you.

38. I will never make you sad again, I will never cause you any more pain. From henceforth, I will be more cautious about what I say and do to you. Please forgive me.

39. I wish I could turn back the hands of time, and do things right. I could have done things differently, now I know. Please, forgive me. Let’s continue our beautiful friendship.

40. Ever since I hurt you, I have not felt good at all. I feel like for me to feel this way, then you’re feeling a lot worse. Please, let’s come back together, so I can do things right.

Forgiveness Paragraphs for Best Friend

He who seeks forgiveness the right way will be forgiven. These are the right paragraphs to apologize for your wrongdoings to your best friend.

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41. I know there’s no amount of words I can say, that will make you better. But please, I am very sorry. I have sent different people to plead on my behalf, but it’s still the same old story. Please forgive me.

42. I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you, my sweet friend. Please, think of how we started and how well we were doing before everything fell out. Please, forgive me.

43. I haven’t found any better friend in my life than you. Every moment with you is like a moment spent in heaven. I feel truly sad because I have hurt the most special in my life. I am sorry.

44. I am really sorry for lying to you. That was too much, and I shouldn’t have. You were a true friend to me. Please, forgive me for doing such a bad thing. I love you.

45. We have been friends for too long, and I think this is too little to make us fall out. Well, I don’t care whether you forgive me or not. You will forever be the friend who I love a lot. I’m sorry.

46. I am sorry for being so insensitive. I shouldn’t have uttered such mean words to you. Please, forgive me for everything I have done. I love you so much.

47. I just hope you will be kind enough to let us see, and talk things through. It is not what you think, at all. Please, forgive me one last time, and give me another chance.

48. From the depth of my heart, I am apologizing to you to please forgive me. I was never my intention to hurt you. You know I love you. Please forgive me.

49. I wish I had thought about the repercussions very well, before acting like that. I’m sorry for not being the friend I used to be. Please, forgive me, at let’s move past this.

50. I respect your decision of not wanting to talk to me, but please forgive me. I have been begging you, ever since the incident happened. Please, don’t do this to me. I’m sorry.

Thank you for checking these 2024 touching apology paragraphs for best friend. I hope you find them helpful. Kindly share with others. Thank you.

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