Happy 30th Birthday to My Daughter

Happy 30th Birthday to My Daughter Wishes and Quotes

Birthdays are special days for both the person celebrating the birthday and their loved ones.

It is your daughter’s 30th birthday! It is a girl’s thirtieth birthday. On the thirtieth birthday, a girl must accept that she’s no longer a girl anymore. Being a young adult doesn’t matter anymore to her. She knows better now what she wants from life. There are lots of decisions to be made by this time. Feelings have also been changed by the 30th birthday so there should be some changes in behaviour as well.

30 years of life is a fair chunk of time—enough to have gained experiences, struggles, hardships that have made her mature. She has experienced enough now. So, the big 3-0 calls for some special kind of celebration. There are celebrities, musicians, authors, athletes, and many more people who celebrate their 30th anniversary of being alive.

That is why you have got to make it more memorable for your daughter in the best ways ever. It’s not just another birthday where she is older than the day she was yesterday. Thirty is a milestone to make memories for her.

A daughter is a day that ends with happiness. A daughter is a friend that knows your worth. A daughter is a smile that brightens your day. A daughter will protect you through thick and thin. She’ll be the one to make you feel like a true winner and she’ll be there to lift you when you feel like love is gone.

She deserves the best on a big day like this. Make it awesome with these happy 30th birthday to my daughter wishes and quotes available here.

Things to Tell Your Daughter on Her 30th Birthday

My dearest daughter, 30 is a milestone in your life and I’m glad you have chosen there to be born. The most wonderful years of your life are yet to come and I wish you all the best. You deserve everything in life and today is the perfect day to tell you and give you a big hug. Happy birthday!

  • Though we always had a turbulent relationship, always the mother-daughter type, I have been proud of what you have become today. You have been able to accomplish so much in your adult life, and therefore made my motherly pride limitless! I wish you a happy 30th birthday, my love.
  • You are 30! This is so young for me to be your mother. But you look and feel like a woman now. Happy birthday! I can’t wait to see what years ahead hold in store for you and the path that lies ahead in your journey.
  • It’s hard to believe you are complete 30 years today and no more a baby and will also be having so many exciting things in life that you could ever wish for. So just take care of yourself and lead a perfect sweet life.
  • May your life be full of success and happiness for it is your time to experience joy, and make others smile like you smile every day. May the next three decades of your life be as successful as the previous ones.
  • Blessed is the mother who has a wonderful daughter like you. I thank God for all the gifts he has blessed me with in life, but none is greater than you. You have grown up to be such a great girl and I wish God’s grace to rest on you till the end of your birthday.
  • Words alone can’t ever convey how grateful I am for your love and wisdom, but I will try. Memories of you as a child chase me as quick as a shadow, but as deep as an ocean. Moreover, an ocean of love that you have gifted me with since you have been born, Happy birthday, my lovely daughter.
  • May God bless you more than he has and give you more than he has given and watch over you and protect you always the same. I wish you a wonderful 30th birthday.
  • What can I say about you that hasn’t already been said? You are an amazing daughter who strives to make everyone happy. The world has always been yours, and today is no different. Profoundly happy birthday, dear.
  • I am so proud to have given birth to a daughter as beautiful as you. I love you and wish you a great year ahead.
  • When I think of you, all I see is potential, love, loyalty and friendship. Each time you shine on me with your smile, my heart feels like it. Happy birthday, my beloved daughter.
  • When I think of the word “daughter”, the first person that runs through my mind is you. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made to ensure our happiness. The little things you do daily, mean a lot to happy birthday, my love.
  • Wishing you a happy 30th birthday to my daughter. Let this be a new beginning for you and the time that would create many good memories for you and bring lots of happiness into your life.
  • I love you all the same. This is your big day and let all your dreams and wishes be answered and come true. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
  • My dearest daughter, today is your birthday. I can’t believe that you are already 30 years old. It makes me feel old! No matter how old you get, I will always think of you as my baby.
  • To celebrate your 30th birthday, I am taking you out to the most expensive restaurant in town and we shall have a great time together.
  • Happy birthday my dearest daughter! Time is flying by so fast, and I cannot believe it is your 30th birthday. You are the most intelligent person, capable to handle any situation. Everything you did has given me great satisfaction. I am proud of you. Keep on shining.
  • My daughter! How old you have grown today. Looking at your age, I feel like I lost a battle to time. But you are so young and vibrant. It never feels like 30 for you! It’s just another day of getting birthdays and making them memorable. I love you and wish you success in all that you do.
  • To my amazing Daughter, you are the pride of my life. Everything about you is inspiring, including your passion to succeed in life. May today be filled with happiness for you! I love you so much, and here’s to many more happy years ahead.
  • Hoping that your 30th birthday will be a milestone in your life, filled with passion and joy, satisfaction and love and I hope you like this birthday card.
  • Today is an important day in your life. My little princess is all grown up now, looking elegant and stunning just like her mother. You have achieved so much not in terms of material things but in life in general.
  • I am glad to see you fulfilling your dreams just like me when I was younger. And since I couldn’t be there today to wish you a happy birthday, I hope that my loving thoughts and prayers will paint the picture of what this day means for me and my family! Congratulations.
  • I remember holding you for the first time, looking into your eyes and having that magical feeling that my life has finally begun. Now, 29 years have passed and you are all grown up. I love you today more than I have loved you on every other day in your lifetime. Happy Birthday!!!
  • As you turn another year older, I know that I am richer, too. Thank you for teaching me what love is. Thank you for making me realize the importance of family and friends.happy birthday!!!!
  • Thank you for all the unfailing support, trust and faith that you have always given us. I love you very much, my dearest daughter! Happy birthday.
  • On your special day, I want to wish you a rich, blessed and happy birthday. May all your wishes come true and fill your heart with joy! Good health and prosperity are among the gifts that I pray for you.

30th Birthday Greetings for Daughter

You were a true gift from God. Your birth definitely changed my life. I have always wanted to be a good role model for you and to help you become the best woman in this life. Happy 30th birthday, dear daughter. My greetings!

  • Happy birthday to my daughter! Turning 30 is not an easy feat for most people, but even at that time of your life, you still manage to bring happiness into my heart. You are an excellent daughter, and I know that you will always be there for me in good times and bad. Love you.
  • On this blessed day, I wish you a very happy birthday. You are my daughter; I love you more than you can possibly imagine. Although we bicker sometimes, the love I have for you will never fade away! Happy 30th birthday to you.
  • you are turning 30 already, it’s crazy! These years have gone by in the blink of an eye. now you are an independent woman, who has taught me the art of parenting. Butterflies in my stomach still take over whenever I miss talking to you. Best wishes for a wonderful year ahead.
  • I love you and wish you a very happy 30th birthday! You came to me when I needed you so badly. You were everything I prayed for and more. Okay, maybe not more, but you were literally out of this world.
  • Dear Daughter, today marks the 30th year of your life. Believe me, I can’t believe it either! You are wiser now and maturer than before. Now you are a good manager, thank you for teaching me values and showing me how to be responsible.
  • I know that you do not remember much about your childhood. It was a very difficult time for me and I promise to be there for you in the future when you need me. I wish I had more to give you other than another morning to wake up with a smile on your face, health and happiness. Happy birthday my sweet daughter.
  • My adorable daughter has never felt away from me. I could always see your smile because you know how much I love you! Thanks for being the best daughter ever. I hope you have fun today and this day will be very special in your life.
  • I must confess that my greatest happiness in life has been the joy of being your mommy. Thanks for being there with me through thick and thin. My life was full of ups and downs but I always knew that you were there to give me encouragement, love and support. I am very proud of you. Wish you a very happy birthday!
  • You’ve never given up on me, and I’ll do the same for you even when you’re 30. Plus, it comes as a consolation that your life turns to maturity at this age. This is because your mind and body will be more stable and responsible.
  • Even though your life is full of mess and chaos, I want you to know that you are still my daughter. I know it will be difficult for us to get over the past, but please understand that every parent has his or her way of educating his or her children, and it might not go along all the time with yours. Love you lots.
  • You have been a great inspiration to me. The number of times I’ve crashed and burned is countless. One thing I’ve learned from your failures is that one must stand up and get back on his feet to succeed. Even at this age, I still consider you the best heroine of all time. Thank you for being an example to me. I wish you a lifetime of success and happiness.
  • I would like to congratulate you on your 30th birthday. You have been a true daughter to me. Your life has not been easy, but you have always handled it with grace and made me happy.
  • In life, nothing comes easy. It is the ability to deal with challenges that make a person special. I love you from the bottom of my heart and wish that you succeed in all your endeavours.
  • It never occurred to me that I would have a daughter, let alone experience the joys of looking after one. But here I am, staring at 30 years of life, with you, Happy birthday.
  • I always try to make our time together count, but the truth is that it always seems to be too short. Today, I send you the biggest hugs in the world, with wishes that your next 30 years will bring you everything you wish for.
  • Wishing a fantastic birthday to a wonderful daughter! Even though you have grown up, it is you who will always be my little girl. I am so happy that you found a great guy and will soon start a new chapter in your life.
  • My sweet child, I know you’re not a child anymore. 30 is the age that should be celebrated. I am sure that there are many things we could have done to celebrate this special day, but we chose to do it together so we can cherish these precious moments together.
  • I hope you can never forget all the love and support your parents have given you and always live your life to the fullest and always remember your parents. Happy birthday, my lovely daughter.
  • I’m a little late but didn’t want to miss wishing a very happy birthday to my daughter. I’ve been thinking about the past 30 years and have been amazed at how wonderful they have been. That’s all because of you. I love you so much.
  • Baby girl! From the moment I brought you into this world, you have made me proud. Watching you grow into the beautiful woman that you are today has been an experience of a lifetime. Happy birthday.
  • Today, I pray that God gives you much wisdom, grace and love as you continue to blaze your own trail. Happy birthday, mommy dearest.
  • And now it’s your 30th birthday, I must confess that as you blow out the candles and as you will blow out your next 30 years of candles, your mother and I are proud to say we got a better baby. As we go another five decades, we celebrate this moment with you and we ask God to make it count.
  • You are my greatest achievement and I am happy to be your dad. As we mark this auspicious day, I wish you all the happiness and prosperity of the world and more.
  • It’s time to rejoice, my dear daughter. Life has not been easy for you. And each day is a struggle with the wrong things running rampant in it. I salute you for striving to live with your head held high in an unkind world. I wish you only the best in life.
  • When I embarked on this journey of life, you were my only companion. It is impossible to measure the amount of happiness in my life. You have always stood by me in my difficult times, and encouraged me in my difficult decisions. I love you so much, Nothing can wipe the smile off your face, not even wrinkles.
  • Hello to my beautiful daughter on your 30th birthday. I have seen you grow over the years, and I have watched you become a great human being. You have never ceased to amaze me with your wit and courage, your humour and charm. Today, I would be honoured if I could hear you call me “Mom.” Congratulations! Happy 30th birthday my girl.
  • My darling, I wish you a very happy birthday! Today is a very special day for me because my baby turns 30. I want to thank God that he gave you to me and blessed me with your presence in my life.
  • You have made my life complete, with all your love and care. May the blessings of all the angels surround you with happiness and joy! Happy birthday, my beloved.
  • Your 30 years are packed with immense joys, setbacks, achievements and happy memories. A new phase of your life starts today hence, my wish for you is to make the best out of it. May you be blessed with happiness, love, prosperity, wealth and all the joys in life.

What to Write In Daughter’s 30th Birthday Card

I am so proud of you, daughter, for all you have achieved through sheer hard work and determination, you have learnt to conquer all odds. You are my life’s pride! Have a spectacular 30th birthday. I am writing this to show how much I care. Hope you like the card.

  • The biggest gift I received on this birthday is that my daughter has become a responsible adult. To my Daughter, happy 30th birthday again.
  • So my daughter is 30, that is how time flies. From when you were in my tummy till now that is how much life has changed. I remember when you always called me at night so I can sing you to sleep, but today my child you are the one calling me to say – I love you, mummy!
  • You have grown so so much. Just know that I will always be there for you no matter what happens happy birthday to you. Wish you a more good life.
  • I would like to congratulate you on your 30th birthday. I can’t believe how fast time has gone by! I can say with confidence that you have achieved a lot and all the success and happiness you enjoy today is due to your hard work and perseverance.
  • Your presence in my life has brought so much joy and happiness all these years. I wish for you not to grow old but continue to be filled with the same energy and zeal that you have today.
  • Today you are 30 years old, but to me, you will always be 12 years old. From the moment I placed you in my arms, I knew our lives would forever be linked together. Happy birthday!

Happy 30th Birthday to My Beautiful Daughter Quotes

Happy 30th birthday, daughter! Going through this journey of parenthood, you have been the strongest support I have had. Your love has kept me together when I have wanted to break down. I wish you enjoy life to the fullest. I love you, my beautiful princess.

  • Now that you are 30 years old, your life is starting to get interesting. I hope you get to live a life filled with love and passion. Happy birthday, my daughter.
  • Happy birthday, sweetheart! I know you may not like getting older because your teenage years are soon behind us, On this day, I am grateful for all the ways you have insisted through life. You are a great woman, and I am lucky to be your mom.
  • I have four kids and you’re the one who was born a princess! You have a knack for saying the right words to make me calm down. It has been a wonderful experience to be by your side. Love you, dear.
  • You were the greatest companion I could ask for. Over time my little girl grew up, and today you are all grown up with your own life to live. I may not be there for your most important decisions in life, but know that I am always here for you whenever you need me at that time of need.
  • May your special day be filled with happiness, love, joy, success to reach your desired destination. I am glad to have you as my daughter and to celebrate your 30 years of living. Be happy forever.
  • It has been quite some time since I got to see you, my daughter. Well, you are in your 30’s now and I remember the days when you were just a toddler. As you grow older, you seem to have outgrown me. Now that you are in your 30’s, I have no more control over your decisions. You are sailing the seas of freedom alone but, my wish is that you will always be protected by angels with wings of gossamer white. Have a great birthday.
  • When I think of you, my heart warms up. You have been a loving daughter and great buddy to me. Through you, it is always a great journey with lots of laughter. Wishing you a wonderful 30th birthday.
  • First of all, I want to wish my daughter a very happy birthday. I hope you have a good time on your 30th birthday. Just keep your chin up and all is well. I want to say thanks for everything that you’ve done for me. You always put a smile on my face and brightens up my day. Thank you and Happy Birthday.
  • Thanks for your love and support throughout the years. You are taking good care of me, the best care I could ever ask for. Your love has given me the strength to live my dreams. Your care has brought me to this wonderful age of thirty! May all your wishes come true from now on.
  • Being your Mom is the best thing that happened in this life. You are the most wonderful daughter I could ever have wished for, with a heart of gold. With you, I have learnt love, compassion, faith.
  • Thank you all the lessons you have taught me are invaluable to me… Today I wish you a very happy birthday my dear.
  • For making me a proud mother. I have seen the person you have become in the past 30 years, and I know that it is all because of your inner strength. You have never faltered or lost focus, and you have remained true to yourself. This is why I admire you so much.
  • You brought life to this home! I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter like you. It seems like only yesterday we were picking your accessories and planning your party. But look at you! A grown-up woman ready to celebrate another milestone in her life. I hope you have a great time, dearie.
  • I must say, you have brought immense joy to the lives of your father and me. We cannot ask for a better birthday gift than a beautiful, loving daughter every year on the day we name you. Today is that special day yet again, and we pray that God continues to bless us with more wonderful years together.
  • Today is a special day for you. I remind you of all the challenges and achievements that have taken place in your life. You have been an awesome child, and now an awesome woman. Today, I wish you a very happy birthday.
  • Thanks for always encouraging me and pushing me to be the person I am today. I love you sweetie like a mum loves her child. Your birthday has brought you even closer to my heart. May the years ahead of you be filled with success and happiness.
  • You have already made my life so full of joy, miracles and happiness. From the day you were born until now, I have seen you grow into a woman who can put up with all kinds of tough situations without losing hope. Happy birthday, dear.
  • I adore the way you look at life. No matter how many times things don’t go your way, you always pick yourself up and move on! You are a woman of integrity that is respected by all around you. May the Almighty continue to bless you.
  • You are my little princess whose smile I adore! You are now 30 with all life’s experiences. Though you might have ventured far off. But your heart still keeps beating at home, where you belong. I will always be there with open arms to welcome your return, whenever that might be. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a very happy birthday.
  • You deserve all the happiness in the world. This year should be the best year of your life. I hope this birthday card message will bring you closer to achieving your dreams and goals. Your dad and the family loves you the most.
  • Today marks your most important year, dear daughter. You will be thirty years old, and your life will change for good with this milestone. From now on, you can take matters into your own hands with no help from anybody. Should you require financial assistance at any time, do not hesitate to ask me for help. For now, I am celebrating your birthday with a small party.
  • Today makes you thirty. I love you so much and am proud of the woman you have become. Never forget that I will always be there for you and we both love you with all our hearts! Have a wonderful day and enjoy it to the fullest.
  • 30 years have been the most amazing ten years of my life. I wouldn’t have it any other way, because they have been spent with you. I’ve watched you grow from a tiny baby into a self-confident woman, and I’m just grateful that I’ve been made part of this wonderful journey.
  • I am grateful for the fact that somebody blessed me with a precious gift, who will always make me proud. You have always been a source of inspiration and hope for me. May you succeed in all you undertake. Love you, my princess! Happy birthday.
  • I am so glad to be your Mom. I wish you all the success in the world and may you forever be happy.
  • No words could ever describe the bond between you and me. I gave birth to you but our hearts are interlocked in a way that no one else would understand. Happy Birthday to the woman who has been there for me from day one.
  • I am so glad to have a daughter like you. You are my best friend and you make me look good to all of our friends. You are very beautiful and smart. You never give up on the things you believe in, I admire that quality in you.
  • You have given me a lot to survive. I have become the woman that I am today through your endless love and support. I hope that today will be your best year yet! Your love has been my strength.
  • When I had you, I feared for your future. Now looking back, I can see how wrong I was! You have made me so proud. For the first time, I am at a loss for words. Happy birthday.
  • On this special day, I want to wish you a very happy birthday! Though life is full of challenges, you have made it through the toughest of times with mercy and patience. I love you so much and am grateful for this wonderful celebration in your life.
  • I still remember the day you were born. It’s almost impossible to believe that today, you’re 30 years old! Time really flies. I can still see you as a little baby in your crib. Now you are ready to stand on your own feet and take better care of yourself.
  • My daughter, I remember when you were so small. You were so cute and your laughter always made me smile. Now that you are 30, I look at you with different eyes. I watch you laugh with friends and enjoy time with your family.
  • I feel pride, knowing that you are still the same person- caring, loving and sportive. I especially love watching you gaze at your future husband! I will never stop being proud of who you are because it has come naturally to you. Happy birthday, my love.
  • For many years it was hard to see you excel in life, however, I am happy that today you are by everyone’s side. You have social sense, you are fun to be with, everyone loves you. Happy Birthday, Daughter.
  • My darling daughter, you mean the world to me, just as you always have. You are fun-loving yet responsible enough to support yourself. You are the best artist, the hippest cook, the brightest student, and my most supportive friend. I look forward to being your friend for many years to come. Happy birthday.
  • I am so thankful to God to have been blessed with such an awesome daughter like you. I can’t believe that you are all grown up now. You always look out for the family. I know that you will continue to do so in your adult life too. At this special time, I wish you all the best of luck. I love you.
  • There was never a question of what I would be when I grew up; in my heart, I knew I would be an extraordinary mother to daughters like you. Today, on your special day, you are all grown up and heading into another chapter of your life. My dear daughter, happy birthday honoured with love and respect.
  • Getting to that milestone was a big deal for me, a fulfilment of a dream come true. I am grateful to have a daughter as outstanding as you. We have shared many amazing moments these last years. I love you for always being there for me, even when it meant coming out from your shell and facing the world. Keep being positive and strong, life is worth living.
  • You are the best daughter I could have ever asked for! You have always been there for me. I know you have your own life to live but whenever I call, you are always available to listen. Thank you so much for being there for me, I love you beyond words.
  • Hey, my angel on earth! This is the age when you get to decide on what life would mean for you. I know, you will rise above all and your dreams will come true. I wish you great health and many more happy years ahead. Never forget I love you and am always here for you if need anything. Hope this day brings out the best in you.
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful Daughter! Thank you for all the love and joy you have given me. You are the most magnificent Daughter a Mother could ask for, and I pray that your 30th birthday will be even better than your 29th year of life. You have been a blessing to this world, and I thank God every day that you were born.
  • I am a blessed woman to have a daughter like you in my life. You have made me a happy mother and grandmother. Enjoy your 30th birthday. Remember, I have always been there for you, and you have been there for me all through the ups and downs of life.

Happy 30th Birthday My Daughter Wishes

You are the most amazing daughter in my world. I love you with all my heart and wish for your happiness to last forever. You deserve all that is good in life, and I know you will achieve it. Happy 30th birthday.

  • Birthdays are a great opportunity to look back and reflect on everything we have achieved in life… a great opportunity to pause and thank the friends who have made our lives easier. If anyone deserves a happy birthday, it is my dear daughter.
  • A note to say happy birthday to my daughter. She was always there for me even when I didn’t deserve her. I am grateful for her and everything she has done in life and will continue to do. I love you and hope that today is a day that you rejoice and celebrate the milestone age ahead of you.
  • You still seem like a baby to me and it feels like yesterday when your birthday was the same day as mine and we were kids and celebrating our big day together. Now we are not kids anymore you are almost 30 and I am almost 40. It comes around so fast. I hope life is nice to you. I put you first all your life and it seems like my turn is coming up soon. Hope this year is good for you.
  • My daughter is growing up so fast! I wish you a very happy birthday with lots of fun family time!
  • Your wedding day is approaching, but I want you to know that you will always be my daughter. I love you and appreciate everything you have done for me. You make me proud of you each day, and I could not ask for a better birthday gift than the presence of my daughter on my special day.
  • Having you in my life has been one of the greatest things I could have ever wished for. I just want to let you know that everything that I’ve done, I’ve done for you. You won’t understand that but someday you will.
  • The greatest gift I’ve given you is not anything tangible nor anything that can be held in your hand. It’s my love and time spent with you. Happy Birthday.
  • I hope I will always be the way you see me be. Your love for me has not changed since I became a mother. The bond between us is this shiny thread that binds us together no matter how far away we are. Happy birthday, dear.
  • Today is the day I am most proud of to be your mom. I’m grateful for all you’ve done for me, to make me feel like the best mom. You are sweet, loving and kind to everyone around you. I can’t describe how happy it makes me think of you as my daughter. I love you always and forever.
  • On this special day, I wish you a very happy birthday! I know that your life is full of excitement and soon-to-be-realized dreams. All I hope for is your happiness.
  • Leaving the nest can be a scary thing and I remember that first year away from home. It seemed like just the other day that we were rocking you to sleep like a baby and now here you are all grown up! Happy Birthday, dear.
  • It is your 30th birthday today and I feel old now. Thank God you were such a lovely daughter to me. I have learnt a lot from you and increased my knowledge through your experiences.
  • Today is a very special day for me because today is the day that my daughter turns 30! 3000 candles and she never got burnt. Have a wonderful birthday!
  • I hope you know how much I love you. On your 30th birthday, I pray that God continues to bless you and your family. I’m proud of how you have grown into such a responsible woman for such a big age that you are living in. You no longer answer to me but your lovely family, and I wish them the best too.
  • It’s hard to believe, but it’s time for your 30th birthday. Thank you for making my life so much easier than I had imagined. I didn’t know that one could love someone so much at first sight, till I held you in my arms for the first time. May God Bless You with happiness on this special day.
  • Get the party hat on it’s time to throw a big party. Let everyone know your special day is here. Your 30th birthday reminds me of the future. We’ve reached the third decade together. Be glad, today’s your day! Enjoy lots of fun tonight.
  • Daughter, it is too soon for you to leave. But I know you are on the right path. With your intelligence, determination and guts, I can be sure you will go far in life. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. With this lovely piece of poetry, I wish you a happy birthday, my gorgeous daughter.
  • I believe life began at your birth. You entered this world like a babe and you entered my life like a sweet fragrance. You were full of grace and beauty. These things that the Lord has given you are only tokens of what is to come in the days ahead. I am ever so grateful for you, my darling daughter! Happy birthday to your sweet self.
  • I am so proud to call you my daughter. I wish you all the happiness today and always. I am thankful for having you. May this day mark a new beginning of your life in the zone of contentment.

Happy 30th Birthday My Daughter Messages

To a beautiful daughter, a wonderful mother and a beautiful soul, I wish you a very happy 30th birthday. You have been the best source of inspiration in my life. I love you so much. Hope this message meets you well, dear.

  • I always knew my daughter would grow up to be an awesome woman. Each year you surprise me by doing something that makes me proud of you. You have handled all the tough situations that life has thrown at you, and remained happy. Your good heart gladdens every person you meet, and together we hope to watch your dreams come true.
  • Please, I do not want to get old like everyone else. And if you promise me you will never get old, then I will be happy.
    Happy birthday, sweet one.
  • Dear darling daughter, I wish you a happy and wonderful 30th birthday. Thank you for always making me proud and hopeful about the future. Love and Miss you my dear!
  • To my lovely daughter, your 30th birthday is a very special one. I wish you happiness in everything that you do. Your special day deserves the best! Enjoy yourself, have fun with your friends and family, accept lots of gifts, eat good food and have a blast! I hope to celebrate many more birthdays like this one with you, daughter!
  • Today is your special day, and we want to celebrate it with you! We love you and we wish you happiness and good health in the coming year. May our relationship continue for a very long time. You will always remain our little angel. We hope this birthday card message helps you.
  • You deserve everything great on your 30th birthday and I wish you a vacation packed with lots of good times. You are such a bright girl, and no one can take that away from you ever. I love you with all my heart and soul. Happy birthday!
  • On your 30th birthday, I can’t help but feel sad and nostalgic. You have made me proud and I know you will always make the family proud as well. I hope you grow to become a better person and mom. Thank you for choosing to be my daughter and I wish you the best life and future ahead.
  • Today is the day on which the sun has ascended to its rightful place in the firmament of your life. Happy 30th birthday! I hope your life turns out to be a swirl of joy, excitement, and surprises. Bless you!
  • I am so glad to have you in my life! You are my sunshine on a gloomy day. Thank you for being with me always. I wish I could be at your birthday party but since that is not possible, I am sending you this e-card to let you know that I’ll always be here for you. All the best wishes in the world, baby girl.
  • A mother can understand what a child does not say. It has been an honour to take care of you, nurture you and raise you well. I know your life is now an embodiment of all my efforts. You are now an accomplished adult; may God continue to bless you at every step of your life. I love you forever! Happy Birthday.
  • A daughter like you is every mother’s dream come true; you are loving, caring, thoughtful and gentle. You fill my heart with joy and I am grateful to God for sending an angel like you into my life. On this special day, I wish you the happiness and love of your loving family of friends.
  • Dear daughter, I hope this day will give you all the happiness and joy that I have yet to be able to give you. You are so beautiful, caring, loving and now moving into a phase in your life that promises adventures, growth and more experiences. I want you to know that wishing you all these was not enough to pay back what you have done for me. I hope you understand what I’m saying is all that I’ve done for you is for your happiness.
  • I know that you are busy making preparations for my party which is in the next week. But before that could happen, please be reminded that I want to celebrate you today. Your life is exceptional, and I don’t know how words can say how much I love you.
  • My heart is full of joy today That my daughter is 30 today, But deep in my heart I’m thinking, Is she still the kid I used to know? You’ve been a wonderful daughter. You’ve turned out to be a beautiful woman. Life has been hard on you and me Life goes in circles and we learn and grow I hope that in the future we can continue this strong love we share. Happy Birthday! To a special daughter.
  • My dear daughter, you are now thirty years old today, and it has been eighteen since you left us. I miss you so much! Happy birthday my child! I know your absence is painful, but please know that it is NEVER painful to think of you! We all cherish the memories of the times we spent with you.
  • I am grateful for my Daughter. I wish you the best of luck in the future. I will never be able to repay you for what you have done for me. Your love has kept me going. Today is your special day, so make sure your brother and sister do not forget to wish you a happy birthday!
  • What better way to celebrate your 30th birthday than being surrounded by your loving family! I am so happy you are having an exclusive birthday party at the house. I cannot wait to see all your friends, family and people you have helped along the way. You have an amazing heart.
  • You will always have your doors open for people who need help, especially strangers. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a very happy birthday.
  • Happy birthday to my wonderful daughter! I am thankful that you came into my life. My life would never be the same, and it feels like a dream come true. You have made me a better person and your presence makes home a place of love and laughter.

The joy of having a daughter grow to hit the big 30 is indescribable. It makes you, as a father or mother, want to celebrate and make the day memorable for her. I am pretty sure you can’t go wrong using the happy 30th birthday wishes up there for her.

Whether she is your adopted daughter, biological daughter or a daughter from another mother, the messages and quotes here are perfect to use.

I hope you got your choice already among them. You can let me know using the comments section. You can as well, share the link with loved ones who would need this post. Thanks.

Written by Melissa Usunobun

Happy 30th Birthday Nephew Wishes and Quotes

Happy 30th Birthday Wishes Messages and Quotes for Niece