Touching Safe Journey Status for Friend

Touching Safe Journey Status for Friend (2024)

Who doesn’t know the importance of having a safe journey? Regardless of what life will throw at you, at the people around you, when there is life there is hope!

This is why it is important to seize the moments that we can, to leave wishes of safety and preservation for our friends and loved ones.

Asides from networking and having fun on social media, your status is also a good place to drop these thoughtful wishes.

You’re not just wishing for them to be safe, you’re also communicating thoughtfulness and how grateful you are to have them in your life.

So, if your friend is travelling, make do of this touching safe journey status for friend to show you care and express how much you would miss them.

Best Happy Journey Status for Friend

Dearest friend, your presence in my life is one of the best things to happen to me. And because I don’t want to ever lose you, I’m wishing you the best and a safe and happy journey.

1. You’ve not been gone for up to an hour, and I miss you already. Please promise that you’ll come back soon? For now, I wish you a safe trip back home. I love you, dearest friend.

2. Having you over was all the relaxation I needed. I didn’t realize how much I’d kept inside until we started talking. It really feels good to have all that burden off my shoulder. I so love our sister relationship. Have a safe flight!

3. Your new colleagues are going to love you. What’s not to love about you?! Even though I’ll miss you, I’m also going to be rooting for you. Have a safe journey, darling.

4. When I finally decided to leave home, I was scared. So, it’s okay to be afraid. I just want you to know that God has got you, and you won’t regret this decision. Have a safe trip!

5. It’s a new start for you. That’s all you should be focusing on. No one deserves this big break as much as you. So, keep your eyes only on the possibilities. Here’s wishing you a safe journey, my friend.

6. Your focus and determination are worthy of emulation. You’re loads of inspiration, and I’m so glad at all the big news you’ve been receiving recently. I’m looking forward to visiting already. Have a safe trip!

7. I can’t wait for our newest addition. You’re a strong woman, and I am so proud to be your friend. Have a safe journey to and fro. I love you!

8. We should be going on this trip together. But see what work is doing to me! Anyways, make sure to have enough fun for the both of us. Have a safe trip, travel buddy!

9. You’re really a friend indeed. Thank you for coming when I needed you the most. Thank you for the goodies you brought too. I know that I can’t wait to visit you in a few months. Have a safe journey!

10. Even though we’re going to be miles apart, I know that we’re going to be fine. You’re my soulmate, and just know that I’m always committed to us. Have a safe trip, honey.

11. You’re still the only person that really gets me, even after 12 years. Thank you for all the sacrifices you make for us. While I’m looking forward to seeing you soon, I wish you a safe journey back home.

12. Try not to sleep all through this trip. Remember that I’m reliving the whole journey through your eyes. For real, try to have fun! Have a safe trip!

13. Never feel guilty for your privileges you’re enjoying now. You worked for it, and you deserve all of it. Promise to have fun and just enjoy yourself? Have a safe journey.

14. Angels are on guard for you. They’ll protect you all through this journey. There’ll be no reason for you to be sad. Have a safe flight.

15. I love how you love our family. I know that all you’re doing is for both our good. Just know that I’m proud of you always. Have a safe trip.

16. Make sure you don’t come back from this trip empty-handed. I want a souvenir at every stop you make. I didn’t contribute to the trip, but as your friend, I deserve gifts!

17 You know that you’re very important to me, right? Just promise that you’ll take care of yourself on this journey? I love you loads!

18. I pray that you find all the happiness you seek on this journey. I pray that you’ll find clarity and headway like never before. Safe journey, bro.

19. I’m particularly glad at the new experiences you’ll get on this trip. Lord knows that you deserve to really relax. Have a safe journey, my friend.

20. Can we be friends forever?! Because I love your heart, and how you love people. Thank you for all you do to make me happy. You’re one person I’m never taking for granted. Have a safe trip!

21. I hope you find all that you’re looking for on this trip. Lord knows that I just want you to have all the happiness and satisfaction in this world. I love you.

22. See how surprised you are that we put the trip together for you. If we don’t see to it that you’re fine, who will? Have a safe trip, darling friend. Ensure that you enjoy yourself.

23. You’ve been our haven. Literally! So much so that it is hard to imagine a world where you’re not in it. May this trip bring you the answers you seek. I’m rooting for you, girlfriend.

24. Prayers have gone ahead of you. That’s how I know that this trip will be a safe and relaxing one for you. I love you, girlfriend. Have fun!

25. I know that all things are working together for your own good. You may not see it now, but everything’s aligning for you. Have a safe trip, and make sure to come back home soon!

Happy Journey Status for Best Friend

I’m thinking of all I’ve been able to accomplish because I have you as a best friend. There’s really no one like you in the entire world, and I’m so happy to call you mine. Hope you have an amazing journey!

26. How is it that we’re not going on this trip together? I miss you already. I know I’ll see you soon, though. Have a safe flight, best friend.

27. I’m not forgetting this visit in a hurry. You truly bring out the best in me, and you add so much colour to my life. Have a safe journey back home, bestie. I love you.

28. How did I think that I wasn’t worthy of true love? See how you’ve loved me beyond my flaws. You’re my answered prayers, and I’ll always be grateful for you. Safe journey!

29. You’ve shown me never to settle for less. You’ve shown me that I can set really high standards and have people meet me at that level. Our friendship is the game-changer. I’m so looking forward to decades with you. Have a safe trip today, best friend.

30. I’ll be here when you get back. I’ll always be here for you. I’m glad you’re finally getting opportunities to spread your wings. This is the year you soar without restrictions. Have a safe journey, honey.

31. I can’t wait to hear about the many amazing things that’ll happen to you on this trip. Please remember not to worry your head so much. Have a safe journey. Love you!

32. I’ll miss you, but I won’t miss you. But knowing that you deserve the happiness this trip will bring you, I’ll wait patiently for when you’re back. Have a safe trip!

33. I pray that you’ll go and come back from this trip safe and sound. Angels are on guard, and they’ll take care of everything that needs to be taken care of. Love you, girl!

34. What would you like to eat when you get back? Yes, I’m doing the countdown for when you’re back. Have a good trip, babe.

35. Thank you for giving of yourself. I’m yet to find a heart as true and pure as yours. Thank you for being my best friend. Have a safe flight!

36. Is it too late to come with you on this trip? I miss you already, and I’m counting down to when you’ll be back. Love you much, bestie. Have a beautiful vacation.

37. The journey ahead isn’t going to be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. Be brave, don’t waver. You’ve got this! Safe journey.

38. Go with the blessings and protection of God. Know that you have my love always, best friend. Have a safe journey.

39. Looking forward to our trip together someday. For now, have all the fun you can. And know that I love you always. Have a safe trip, babe!

40. May this journey favour you beyond your imagination. May it bring you all the blessings and favour you can imagine. Have a journey!

41. I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything in the world. Rest assured in this knowledge. Have a good trip, babe. Love you always.

42. If you need anything, know that I’m only a phone call away. You won’t be bothering me at all. Have a safe flight, best friend. I love you!

43. “The opportunities will only go to the bold ones.” You’re one of the bold persons I know. Don’t waver in your convictions now. You’ll do just fine. Have a safe journey, honey.

44. You know I worry about you all the time. I really can’t help it; you’re my best friend in the entire world. Make sure to come back safe okay? I love you much.

45. For this trip, I only want you to create beautiful memories. I don’t want you worrying about tomorrow. It will take care of itself! Enjoy your vacation, my friend.

46. “Execution over perfection.” I know how you get when things aren’t perfect; when you don’t have your life planned out. But you’ll be fine. This trip will be more than you ever imagined. Safe journey, best friend.

47. You deserve this win. No one has worked as hard as you in the last few years. I’m proud of you, and I’m rooting for you. Have a safe journey, sister.

48. The terrain may be new for you, but I know that you’ll do just fine. I’m counting down to our physical hangouts. Have a safe journey.

49. I know that things haven’t been perfect with us. But I’ll always worry about your safety. That’s why I’m your best friend. Make sure to come back soon. I love you so much!

50. You’re a friend like no other. The best I’ve had all my life. I’m super proud of this move you’re making. And I pray that you’ll never have a cause to regret. Have a safe flight, my friend.

There’s this feeling of safety and peace I feel already. And I’m so certain that your friend or loved one will feel it too after seeing any of this touching safe journey status for friend on your status.

You have any thoughts about this post? Leave it in the comment section. Also, remember to please, share with your friends or loved ones.

Thank you for reading!

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