Happy Wedding Anniversary

Happy Wedding Anniversary Messages & Wishes

*Happy Anniversary to You, Stephen Akintayo*

I watched from afar then moved closer
And the gaze on one side was as good as on the other.

I did spy on your inside and was awestruck to see the values you carry!

If they knew how a rare gem you would become, an elephant from the Sahara would be killed for your christening.

If some got a glimpse of the pace you’ve set ahead, they would learn how to run from a mental Usain bolt.

And Like the maxim has it, “Beside a successful man is a woman who helped dictate the tune”.

You started like every other men,
Continued like some of them did,
But kept the testimony like a few… The few who dared the uncertainty of the future.

You got some blow from life’s menace,
Fell and fell, but you kept on rising.
The picture for the desired end wasn’t clear,
Yet you weathered the storm to make the finishing line.
It was hard at a time, you can tell,
But you hoped for the dividend in the end.

It’s been years of tasking moments,
Yet the union is going great daily.

The journey so far is worth it…
As I can see the smile on your face.

As long as you live, I wish you a marriage with incessant streaks.

Happy anniversary to you, Stephen Akintayo.

With wishes from the Adebumitis

Happy Anniversary to Us

Our Wedding Anniversary

I’m clueless, I really don’t know

How I managed to get so lucky

The Gods must have smiled on the day

When you agreed to be my wifey

I am just an average guy

But you are a woman, so fine

Even today, I feel blessed to know

That you agreed to be mine

On our first anniversary, this is

The confession I have to make

Our marriage has been

The icing on my life’s cake,the journey started with two but on our first anniversary we are three

Happy 1st anniversary

Olusanya Busayo Olumide


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