Opening Prayers for 30th Birthday Party

Opening Prayers for 30th Birthday Party Celebration (2024)

Birthdays are one of many special days in one’s life and as we add another year, we always see more reasons to be thankful for the gift of life.

More so, it comes once in a year and you’d agree with me that it’s something worth celebrating every year whenever your birthday is here.

And beyond presenting gifts to the birthday celebrant and sending warmth wishes, praying for them is also important as it stays with the celebrant much longer after the birthday party.

Need some inspiration for opening prayers for a 30th birthday party? Congratulations! You’re definitely on the right path.

Below are heartfelt opening prayers for 30th birthday party you can always say to begin a wonderful occasion like this.

Long Opening Prayers for 30th Birthday Party

Below are top-notch and heartfelt long opening prayers you’d ever come across.

Go ahead and begin that 30th birthday party with God as you rejoice with the birthday celebrant. Enjoy!

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1. Dear God, it’s a good day to gather here today and celebrate with the celebrant and her family. It’s a wonderful thing to be alive and see this beautiful day that You’ve made; to rejoice and celebrate. Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy, goodness and love. You’ve been our sustainer, our helper, our way maker, our healer, our protector, our guardian and even more than all these put together. I pray that today’s birthday party will be free of sorrow and problems. May it be a day filled with tons of happiness, laughter and love. Thank You, Lord, for all that You’ve done, You’re doing and You’ll still do in our lives. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

2. Lord, it’s by Your mercy and grace we’re able to gather here today, hale and hearty to rejoice with the celebrant on this beautiful occasion of his/her 30th birthday. Without You, Lord, none of us will be here today. It’s not by our making that we’re alive or here today, but it’s all thanks to Your grace. Thank You, Lord, for everything. You alone are worthy of all our praises today and always. For the life of the celebrant, I say a thank You, Lord. As he/she adds another year today, I pray that You continue to bless and keep him/her. These and many more I ask in Your Holy name. Amen.

3. Heavenly Father, it’s not by any merit of ours that we’re able to see another day, and most especially to be here to rejoice with the celebrant today. Thank You, Lord, for counting us worthy to see this wonderful day, a day You’ve made for us to rejoice and be glad in it. You’re always faithful, despite our unfaithfulness to You day in day out. You’re glorious in all Your ways. You’re kind and generous from age to age. You’re the one that is, the one that was and the one to come, the Almighty. Nothing can be compared to You. You’re the great oracle of all oracles in the tabernacle. Thank You, Lord, for keeping the celebrant hale and hearty to commemorate another birthday today. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

4. Gracious God, You said in Your words that where two or three are gathered in Your name, You’re there in their midst and we know without an iota of doubt that Your presence is here with us today as we rejoice with the celebrant on this beautiful occasion of his/her 30th birthday. With You, nothing is impossible and I pray that You continue to bless, keep, favour and shower Your mercy and love upon the celebrant today and always. I pray that there will be many reasons to be thankful all through the coming years. I make all these prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

5. Almighty God, there’s none like You. Whether in heaven, on earth or underneath the earth. You’re the pillar that holds our lives. You’re the Lord of lords. You’re the mighty man in the battle. You’re the great I Am. Your mercy and love are beyond human comprehension. You’re the all-sufficient God. You’re the creator of the universe. All glory, honour and adoration belong to You, Lord. I commit today’s birthday party into Your hands, I pray that Your presence will abide with us today. May this today’s birthday party be filled with lots of love and laughter. Thank You, Lord, for we know You’ve heard our prayers. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

6. Righteous Father, words will never be enough to appreciate Your mercy, goodness and love upon us. Thank You, Lord, for keeping the celebrant hale and hearty to commemorate another birthday today. Thank You, Lord, for Your benevolence upon the celebrant thus far. I appreciate Your goodness and grace upon the celebrant’s family. Thank You for the provision, preservation and protection upon the life of the celebrant. It can only be You, Lord. May there always be more reason to celebrate and rejoice. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

7. Dear Lord, thank You for the life of the celebrant today on this wonderful occasion of his/her 30th birthday. Thank You for the good things You’ve done and the ones You’re doing in his/her life, for the family and everyone else present here to rejoice with them. May today’s birthday party be filled with lots of gratitude, grandeur moments and happiness. And at the end of today’s birthday celebration, may we all have a reason for another to appreciate Your holy name and give thanks to You, Lord. I make all these prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

8. God Almighty, thank You for this beautiful weather and atmosphere. Thank You for this glorious day that You’ve made for us to rejoice and be glad in it with the celebrant on this joyous occasion of his/her 30th birthday. Most importantly, thank You for blessing the celebrant with good health of mind and body as he/she celebrates another birthday today. May today’s celebration bring glory to Your name and I pray that Your presence will abide with us today and always. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

9. Lord, I pray that today’s 30th birthday celebration will be filled with great tidings, grandeur moments and boundless happiness. I pray that the joy of the celebrant and everyone here to rejoice with the family of the celebrant will be full. Bless the celebrant with Your goodness and mercy in good measure, pressed down and running over today and beyond. I make these prayers and many more through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

10. Almighty God, You’re the ancient of days. You’re the alpha and omega. You’re the keeper of our lives and souls. Your love and mercy towards us are beyond human reasoning. None can be compared to You. Lord, thank You for another opportunity to reverence Your holy name. Thank You for the opportunity to praise and worship You. Thank You, Lord, for this joyous celebration of 30 years. May this wonderful day be filled with tons of happiness and laughter. As we rejoice with the celebrant, may things of joy and celebration never cease in our lives. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

11. O Lord, You’re the beginning and the end. You’re the author of our faith. You’re the Almighty and all-knowing God. Lord, thank You for the opportunity to rejoice with the celebrant today. Thank You for the grace to be alive in good health of mind and body on this wonderful day You’ve made for us. Thank You for bringing each and every one of us here safely to rejoice with the celebrant on his/her 30th birthday. I declare this beautiful occasion free of problems. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

12. Righteous Father, You said in Your words that You’ve come that we may have life and have it in abundance. I pray that You continue to add more joyous years to the life of the celebrant. May your peace abide with everyone here today and always. May this wonderful 30th birthday celebration be filled with laughter and love. Thank You, Lord, for answered prayers. I make these prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

13. Gracious God, thank You for counting us worthy to gather here and rejoice with the celebrant on this wonderful celebration of 30 years of Your faithfulness, blessings and mercy upon him and his entire family. May today’s celebration be filled with happiness and love. May Your goodness and mercy follow the celebrant and everyone here today and all the days of our lives. Thank You, Lord, for answered prayers. Thank You, Lord, for Your great glory. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

14. Heavenly Father, You’re the miracle-working God. You’re awesome in every way possible. You’re the way maker and the God of all possibilities because with You, nothing is impossible. Thank You, Lord, for the great opportunity to praise and worship You like never before. Thank You for keeping the celebrant and her family hale and hearty. As she celebrates her 30th birthday today, I pray that You continue to keep her in good health to celebrate many more years ahead. We begin today’s joyous celebration in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

15. O Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness in the life of the celebrant. Despite our unrighteousness, Lord, You’re always righteous to us. You’ve been faithful from age to age; You’re unchangeable. You’re the source of all that we have and are. Thank You for all that You do. I know that You will continue to bless and keep the celebrant all the days of her life as she commemorates her 30th birthday today. I ask that Your presence abides with us as we rejoice with the celebrant and her family. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

16. Almighty God, thank You for this great opportunity to rejoice with the celebrant on this beautiful celebration of 30 years of Your mercy in his life. It’s indeed a privilege to see this beautiful day and celebrate with him and his family members. I commit today’s birthday celebration into Your hands, I pray that You have Your way today. I ask that You make this wonderful occasion filled with gratitude and laughter and happiness. Thank You, Lord, for answered prayers. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

17. Lord, You’re the great shepherd. You’re our sustainer and the pillar that holds our lives. You’re our strength and our shield. Thank You for blessing us with another reason to be thankful today. And I appreciate You, most especially for the life of the celebrant we’re here to rejoice with for the opportunity You grant her to celebrate her 30th birthday in good health of mind and body. I ask that You fill this atmosphere with Your presence and peace. I make these prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

18. Almighty Father, You’re the all-sufficient God. You’re the architecture of the universe. Lord, thank You for all that You do for the celebrant. Being alive to celebrate his 30th birthday isn’t by his power nor by his might, but rather it’s by Your grace and mercy, O Lord. I pray that You receive all the glory, honour and adoration. I commit today’s birthday party into Your hands, may it be filled with gratitude and laughter. We begin today’s wonderful celebration in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

19. O Lord, when we thank of Your goodness and mercy and love towards us, no word will ever be enough to appreciate You. Words will always fail us to thank You for all that You’ve done and all You’re doing in our lives. It can only be You, Lord. No one matches Your greatness and we reverence You for who You are, Lord, and we ask that You take all the glory, honour and adoration. For the celebrant, I pray that You continue to bless and keep her. May she always have a reason to smile and be happy all the days of her life. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

20. Almighty God, thank You for Your spirit within us. Thank You for this wonderful new day to rejoice with the celebrant on this beautiful occasion of her 30th birthday. I pray that no weapon fashioned against her shall prosper. I ask that You continue to guide her all the days of her life. Keep her and her entire family members safe from every danger. May there always be many reasons to celebrate in her life and the lives of everyone here today. And I pray that You grant all her good heart desires today and always. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

21. Lord, we gather here today to rejoice with the celebrant on this beautiful celebration of 30 years, we pray that You come and abide with us today and always. May the atmosphere be filled with lots of love, happiness and laughter. Grant everyone here their secret heartfelt prayers. For the celebrant, we pray that You continue to bless and keep her going out and coming in, and may this new phase of life bring more reason to smile, to be happy and prosperous and grateful. In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

22. Darling friend, as we gather here to rejoice with you on this wonderful occasion of your 30th birthday today, I pray that the Almighty God will continue to bless you with an abundance of happiness, joy, good health of mind and body. May the good Lord continue to watch over you and yours. It’s your birthday today, may God continue to bless you with many reasons to rejoice and celebrate another birthday. And so, we begin this beautiful celebration in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Amen.

23. Righteous Father, thank You for the gift of life. Thank You, Lord, for Your benevolence upon the celebrant and everyone present here today. Thank You for counting us worthy to be here and rejoice with the celebrant. I ask that Your presence abide with us today and beyond. I pray that You grant the desires of the celebrant and make the years ahead full of gratitude, laughter and boundless bliss. I make these prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

24. On this beautiful occasion of your 30th birthday, I pray that your happiness, joy and peace will never know any boundaries. As you step into a new year on this wonderful day, I pray that the good Lord will begin a new thing in your life. May the Lord destroy every work, every plan, every scheme of the evil ones concerning your life and that of your loved ones and everyone present here to celebrate with you. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

25. Heavenly Father, thank you for this wonderful day to be glad and rejoice with the celebrant on the occasion of his 30th birthday today. Thank You, Lord, for protecting him and his entire family from every danger, schemes and plans of the evil ones. Thank You for blessing him with good health, peace of mind and body. For all these and many more, we say thank You, Lord. And so, we commit today’s celebration into Your hands, come and have Your way, Lord. We begin today’s wonderful celebration in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Short Opening Prayers for 30th Birthday Party

This wonderful collection of short opening prayers for 30th birthday party celebration is the best way to begin this beautiful occasion of that someone special.

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26. Lord, as we’ve gathered here to rejoice with our good friend on this beautiful celebration of 30 years of God’s goodness, we pray that you continue to bless him with all the best things of life. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

27. Almighty God, thank You for blessing our beloved friend with another reason to celebrate today. I pray that the coming years will be better than the previous ones. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

28. O Lord, we pray that the days ahead will be better with every sunrise. Thank You, Lord, for the life of the celebrant we’re here to rejoice with and we begin this 30th birthday party in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

29. Gracious God, thank You for adding another year to the life of our loved one. You’re the all-sufficient God and we give You all the glory, honour and adoration. Amen.

30. Heavenly Father, we bless You for the food and drinks and most importantly, we thank You for adding another year to the life of our dear one today. May we always have a reason to celebrate with one another. Amen.

31. Lord, we appreciate You for Your mercy and grace over us and the birthday celebrant. We pray that Your presence will abide with us today and always. Amen.

32. Almighty God, we commit today’s celebration of 30 years of our dear one into Your hands, we pray that it will be a joyous occasion. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

33. O Lord, we pray that today’s celebration will open doors for more reason to smile and be thankful in the life of the birthday celebrant and everyone present here. Amen.

34. Righteous Father, we pray that by this time next year, it will be a more beautiful, brighter and better celebration. In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

35. We pray Lord for every member of the celebrant’s family and friends, you will continue to bless and keep each one of them in good health and peace of mind. Amen.

36. Lord, I pray that You continue to guide the birthday celebrant through the coming year and beyond. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

37. We pray Lord that You will remove everything and anything that’s causing stress, grieve and sorrow in the life of the birthday celebrant and everyone gathered here. Amen.

38. O Lord, I pray for everyone here that has come to rejoice with the birthday celebrant, may we always have a cause to gather and celebrate each other again and again. Amen.

39. Almighty God, we ask that You bless the family and friends of the birthday celebrant in a very special way today and all the days of their lives. In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

40. We pray Lord that today’s celebration of 30 years will be free of any casualty of any kind and we declare open this beautiful occasion in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

41. O Lord, we bless You for keeping the birthday celebrant hale and hearty, we pray that You continue to watch over the family and friends of the celebrant. Amen.

42. Gracious God, thank You for adding another year to the years of the celebrant. We ask that You fill today’s birthday party with happiness, love and joy. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

43. As we gather here to celebrate with our friend today, may we not gather by this time next year to mourn anyone but rather for bigger celebrations. Amen.

44. We pray Lord for the birthday celebrant, that You continue to bless him/her abundantly with boundless happiness and peace of mind. Amen.

45. Almighty God, we pray that You continue to bless, keep and watch over the friends and loved ones of the birthday celebrant. I. Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

46. Heavenly Father, I pray that You open the heavens and shower the family and friends of the birthday celebrant with an abundance of happiness and love. Amen.

47. As we rejoice with you today on this wonderful occasion of your 30th birthday, we pray that God will continue to bless you with many reasons to be happy all the days of your life. Amen.

48. We pray Lord for the birthday celebrant, that You continue to do a new thing in his/her life today and always. We ask that You come and abide with us as we rejoice with him/her. Amen.

49. As we gather with the birthday celebrant, we pray Lord, that today’s celebration will be filled with tons of laughter and love and grant the desires of the celebrant. Amen.

50. Beloved friend, as we’ve gathered to rejoice with you on this beautiful occasion of your birthday, we pray that the coming years will be filled with great tidings for you and yours. In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

Thank you for checking out these beautifully written opening prayers for 30th birthday party in 2024 and beyond.

Kindly drop a comment using the comment box if you love this post and I will be looking forward to hearing from you.

Written by Samson Osuman

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